Press - Misc

26 October 2005
San Francisco Bay Guardian
And we can say we knew those congenial Bay Area indie rockers back when--over a bad Hawaiian -style plate lunch--before they took some sort of Death Cab to success.
20 October 2004
SF Weekly
...The Firm, Asia, Damn Yankees -- the list of glorious acts goes on and on. Now add another ensemble to that roster: Citizens Here and Abroad...
28 January 2004
Charming vocals lined with catchy guitar, teasingly slow intro's finishing in tumultous crescendos is what sets them above this rapidly crowded field...
8 January 2004
SF Examiner
The East Bay coeds give shoegazer styles a rock edge and remind listeners with their decidedly lower-fi sound and the subtle "ting" of a xylophone that high-tech isn't necessarily the best tech.
20 November 2003
El Mensajero
Se destacan por las incre??bles armon??as vocales, conmovedores descuelgues de guitarras y un dulce y punzante xilof??n con ritmos oscuros de una explosiva percusi??n.
1 October 2003
West Coast Performer
...Citizens Here and Abroad is amped up with vocal harmonies care of Groves, underlining the tragic-soft tones of Robillard. The quartet also use xylophone and the surf pop drumming of Wetherell, as well as the duo guitar maneuverings of Lowrie and Robillard to shoot a spark of adrenaline into songs crafted with a nod towards shoegazer...
7 May 2003
SF Bay Guardian
Citizens Here and Abroad apply a Velvets-like drone to breathy, propulsive pop with enough confidence to win over all aliens, outsiders, and noncitizens.
7 May 2003
East Bay Express
...pulling together influences from the Fall, Stereolab, Sonic Youth, and scores of others, yet sounding like none of them...
19 February 2003
SF Weekly
2003 Noisepop Crib Sheet: Local reason to go: Citizens Here and Abroad, a foursome that combines the best parts of Dealership and Secadora to make the kind of perfect pop this fest was built upon.
© 2005 Citizens Here and Abroad ·  · Photography by Jason Koxvold