adrienne's Tour Diary

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May 19, 2005
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May 17, 2005

May 18, 2005

While the others got ready for our drive south to Amsterdam, CG and I went to a Bageri (bakery) and bought some croissants and other breads for breakfast. I don't know where the American version of the "danish" came from, but it's nothing like what's available in the bakeries here. We looked for coffee so CG could maintain his addiction, but he had to make do with Diet Coke. Laura came with us and we drove her to Fredericia, two islands west of the island Copenhagen is on, taking the bridges route back instead of the expensive ferry. She got out at the train station and we said our farewells. I hope she and Andreas will come visit us in San Francisco.
We're on the autobahn south of Hamburg as I type this--my computer has 69% power left. For some reason I can't get the messages on my phone, as it's switched over to a German cell carrier, and there's something I must do: dial a plus sign or country code, or an access code to dial out of the country. These are the everyday puzzles. At a gas station an hour ago I saw a little picture of a handgun in the lady's restroom and it was printed on a bag that I took a picture of.
Looking forward to a few days off in Amsterdam, though it might be tricky finding a safe place to park the van and then to figure out where we are staying: Dan and I are going to stay near my Aunt Maggy's, CG is staying with his friend, an opera singer, and CW and Mai are staying in a fancy hotel I think. So we'll meet up for pancakes and other local delights. I can't wait to trim my fingernails.
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This entry is part of the Euro 2005 tour
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May 19, 2005
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May 17, 2005
© 2005 Citizens Here and Abroad ·  · Photography by Jason Koxvold